Sunday, May 3, 2015

What to watch: Avengers: Age of Ultron

So I tried making a video review for this but for some reason I kept messing it up and starting from scratch and I feel like I'm never going to get it done. So I've decide just to write it out instead so I hope you don't mind. 
Like many many people around the world I went to go see Avengers: AoU this weekend and I hadn't voiced this opinion much before but I wasn't as excited as I thought I was going to be! Not because I don't like marvel movies or because the movie itself didn't look good but because the news that the MCU will be moving into two of the biggest storylines in marvel history with Civil War and Infinity War. Those two future movies made this movie feel a bit smaller in scope and the stakes didn't feel as high knowing we'd for sure see most of these characters in the future. With all of that said I must admit I very very much enjoyed every second of this movie. Joss Whedon has tied all of the previous stories together masterfully and it was a pleasant surprise to see certain secondary characters be fleshed out and shine amongst the likes of Tony, Cap and Thor. The creation of the villainous Ultron felt somewhat rushed but that can most likely be blamed on the studio wanting a shorter runtime and more action since Whedon's original cut of the movie is said to be 40 minutes longer than the theatrical release! Along with a longer version of the film an alternate ending is said to exist so make sure to pick up the bluray once it's out to  see all of that. So back to the good and the bad of the movie, Spader as the voice of Ultron was great but the portrayal was very different from the menacing artificial intelligence we saw in the trailers. Ultron in the film takes his personality from his creator Tony Stark so you can imagine he's humorous and a bit of a smart ass. Was it bad? No. It was just different from what was originally advertised. 
The action was on point as is expected but at certain points the CGI was obvious but that's mostly just because some of these characters are doing super over the top stunts that could only be captured by special effects. The dialogue felt a lot more polished as opposed to the first film and the banter between the characters was even better. What more can I say besides the movie was fun as hell and it's awesome to see more and more people accepting these things that were at one point strictly nerd culture. Overall I really enjoyed this movie and I highly recommend seeing it in the theaters! I give this an enthusiastic FULL PRICE. If you'd like to discuss the movie more in detail please drop me a comment on any of the social media outlets I shared this on. 

Rating: Full Price 

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