Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chef (2014) review

Plot summary: A chef who loses his restaurant job starts up a food truck in an effort to reclaim his creative promise, while piecing back together his estranged family. 
Jon Favreau's Chef is a feel good comedy sandwich stuffed with all the foodporn and kitchen antics one could ask for! Anyone who has worked in a kitchen can relate and even if you haven't it's a nice little sneak peek into the world of modern restaurants. With the recent popularity of food trucks and late night street food this movie is topical in its use of social media in the advertising of street vendors. Maybe in a few years the heavy use of Twitter in the film might make the movie rather dated but right now in the present day it feels okay and not excessive since it plays a major part in the films plot and helps advance the story. From the beginning to the end the food is amazing but something else that stood out for its flavor was the music! The lively songs gave a certain spice to the film and made that much more bright and colorful. The strong theme of family and the importance of a parents presence in a child's life was a major theme in this film and sometimes seemed a little heavy handed but it never distracted too long from the movies main focus which was the food. Many (like me)  might've missed this one while it was in theaters but it's definitely something you should pick up on dvd or on demand. Having enjoyed this quiet a bit as a food fan I have to say that it's still not anywhere near one of the best films of the year but it does serve its purpose of having a good time and teaching a lesson in family. Sadly and if I must be honest it also seems that this movie won't be very memorable but I'm sure I'll be reminded of it and think "oh yeah I rather enjoyed that movie" 

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