Sunday, September 28, 2014

Classic Movies I hadn't seen.

The Usual Suspects (1995)
Plot Summary: A sole survivor tells of the twisty events leading up to a horrific gun battle on a boat, which begin when five criminals meet at a seemingly random police lineup.
Review: I went into this movie having an idea of sorts as to what the major plot twist was because of how long this film has been out, but that didn't at all ruin the experience even from the get go! It's mostly because of Kevin Spaceys acting but at times I forgot what I went in already knowing. Each character delivered a solid convincing performance and made the end result that much better. When it comes to the movies age it felt like its aged rather well and not once did I feel like I was watching a "90's" movie. The pacing was great as was the dialogue and I can definently see why this movie is so highly praised. 
If I had to say something negative about this film it'd probably be how forced it sometimes felt to establish spacey's character as the weak and dumb person he was pretending to be. It sort of made the twist a little predictable. 
In the end the film was interesting and well done and delivered very well in the last few scenes. 

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