Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fan Cast: Gwendoline Christie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Since I first was introduced to Gwendoline Christie in her role as Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones I've been a fan of hers and hearing that she'd been casted in both The Hunger Games franchise and the upcoming Star Wars ep. 7 I was happy to see that she'd get a lot more of the exposure she deserves. Now as I was going through some current movie news it finally hit me who she'd be perfect to play in the Marvel cinematic universe!
Carol Danvers otherwise known as Captain Marvel and formerly Ms. Marvel in the marvel comics is one of the characters that  Kevin Feige and Co. confirmed would get her own solo film. Danver's story is said to be that of an Air Force pilot who gains super powers from the fusing of her own and Kree (an alien race seen in Guardians of the Galaxy) genes. Little is known about casting as of right now for the female lead but a lot of speculation has been going around and some have said Natalie Dormer would be a good choice and that got me thinking about her cast mate in both GOT and Hunger Games: MockingJay Gwendoline Christie. Christie stands at 6'3 and is extremely charismatic  but that's not it! She's already right under marvels nose since she is reportedly playing a female Stormtrooper in Star Wars ep. 7 since this is all under disneys ownership. I would love to see this great actress bring something more than just good looks to the MCU since it seems some of marvels female characters are rather bland. 
Do you think this is a good choice or not? If so let me know in the comments here or any of the social media outlets. Once again thanks for reading.

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