Saturday, January 10, 2015

What to watch: Top Five (2014)

So I saw Top Five a few days ago and I had a little trouble figuring out what it is I thought about it. Chris Rock wrote and directed this film and it feels a lot like another film starring Adam Sandler called Funny People minus some of the drama which in my opinion was a good thing. In this film Rock plays a character named Andre Allen who lives the busy life of a Hollywood comedy icon who's trying to change the direction of his career by starting in big budget drama period pieces. Allen is set to marry his reality star girlfriend Erica Long played by Gabrielle Union and on the days before his wedding decides to let reporter Chelsea Brown (Rosario Dawson) follow him to see what a day in the life of the real Andre Allen is like. 
The characters in this film are somewhat likeable and charming while the comedy is funny but not as great as expected. The two leads share inner struggles and we see their relationship start to grow as expected while seeing their problems through flashbacks and anecdotes. 
I laughed several times and the overall story was interesting but its main fault was how predictable this film was. Having seen Funny People before I feel that this movie has been done before so nothing surprised me even when the film tried to get serious and sentimental. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the movie but it didn't have that wow factor that I expected from a Chris Rock written and Directed film. If you're a big Rock fan and  can't wait to see this then sure check it out in theaters but if not then I'd say wait until it's available for rent. 
 Rating: rental 

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