Saturday, January 10, 2015

What to watch: American Sniper (2015)

I don't understand people who say that this film is heavy handed with it's message of patriotism! The film is about an American hero, it's called American Sniper and it's directed by Clint of the most patriotic dudes in the industry. If you see all of that and complain about the abundance of patriotism and pride in America then why oh why did you even consider watching this? Anyway if you're not one of those persons I don't see how someone can't enjoy this. 
Bradley Cooper plays native Texan and all around badass Navy Seal Chris Kyle who after witnessing the horrors of terrorism decided to join the Navy and quickly become "the deadliest sniper in history". Cooper delivers a good performance as Kyle and Eastwood gives an intense and tragic look into the lives of the brave men and women of our armed forces. During his four tours in the Middle East we see Chris Kyle struggle with his sense of duty to his brothers out in the field while trying to cope with his family back home who seem to need him more than ever. A lot of issues amongst the military communtiy are tackled here like the difficulty adjusting to civilian life and the loss of brothers in arms so while I'm not sure how much of this story is true I did feel a sense sadness knowing there are men and women out there dealing with these issues. 
The film seems to perfectly balance drama and action so I don't see anyone getting bored if they only came to see an intense war flick so that's a plus. All in all I'm very glad I watched this and I could definently recommend this to just about anyone. 
Rating: Full Price. 

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