Friday, January 9, 2015

Trailer Talk: Chappie (2015) second official trailer.

A second official trailer for Neill Blomkamp's latest SciFi film Chappie was released today and I must say this trailer boasts an almost completely different tone from what we saw in the first trailer! I remember reading a while back that chappie would be a comedy and that was somewhat visible in the first trailer but after seeing this new one today I get the feeling that this next film will be a lot like District 9 and Elysium. Now I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing since I loved everything about District 9 and even if the story was very flawed I very much enjoyed the visuals and the world Blompkamp created but I was really hoping this would be a bit different and from what we saw here today it doesn't look like it. I'm still interested in seeing this and Blompkamp is still one of my favorite new visionary directors and I'm hoping that even if this does turn out to be similar to his last movies it'll be worthwhile. What did you think of the new trailer for Chappie? Will you be seeing this? If this is the first you're hearing of this movie i'd love to here about what you thought of this trailer and then maybe check out the first to discuss the differences between these two trailers. Once again i'd love to here your thoughts so feel free to leave a comment here or on any of the social media outlets I share this on.

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