Sunday, January 4, 2015

What to watch: Calvary (2014)

Calvary came out of nowhere and jumped right into my top five this year! I'd heard almost nothing about this until about two weeks ago and all I did here were raving reviews so I had to find out what all the buzz was about?
So without giving away too much this movie is about a priest who is threatened by a mysterious person in his church, he is given a week to try and gather his flock who all seem to have a reason to have a grudge against him and all seem to be struggling with their faith. This film does a great job keeping you guessing right until the end and surprisingly it's full of big laughs and great performances all around. 
This movie features some of my favorite characters I've seen all year and the film itself is heartfelt, fun and even rather tragic at times which is all to be expected from such a great dark comedy. The scenery is amazing and every scene is beautifully shot providing many wonderful stills that I've screenshoted and shared with you today. 
Like I said before this film is one of the best I've seen all year but that is rather trivial depending on what you're asking. You definitely have to have an idea as to what this is before watching this or else it might fall flat and you won't be able to appreciate it for what it is. If you're ready for a great story with dysfunctional characters and some morbid but still not tasteless jokes than this is something you'd enjoy and maybe even love! Like I've said before this was a beautiful movie and here are a few more of my favorite shots. 
And another that seemed to share a certain theme. 
Rating: Full Price!

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