Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Do you want SpiderMan in Avengers 3?

photo credit:www.unleashthefanboy.com

  With the rumors of some of the current avengers not being in the third film and more speculation that Disney and Sony are looking to come to an agreement over spidey it's kind of safe to say that the webslinger might finally be one of earths mightiest heroes on the big screen! As awesome as that sounds it's a really complicated situation considering where both parties stand as of right now. ASM 2 was released over the summer along with Sony planning a third installment to the franchise and a Sinister Six film, and Avengers: Age of ultron is set to release next summer. Obviously marvel has their hands full with characters like AntMan, Doctor Strange and now GOTG but it's not impossible for marvel to add SpiderMan into the fray. Now the question is what SpiderMan would fit best in the current MCU? To answer this question we have to start from the beginning which in the MCU case is IronMan(2008). Having SpiderMan suddenly jump into the mix out of nowhere following the events in Avengers would seem strange so this means we're going to start fresh...yes again. In my opinion a young spidey is needed to add a little age diversity to the group. Some might say that even a change from the "Peter Parker" character to maybe Miles Morales might work but I don't see that boding well with audiences that aren't familiar with the comics. My casting choice has for a while been Logan Lerman http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0503567
He's got the star power but he's not big enough to where he'd pass this up (I don't think anyone is) so we have a Peter Parker and now to craft our SpiderMan. Personally I grew up with the 90's cartoon version so that's always been my favorite and I can see it fitting in the MCU, but the biggest question is whether or not a stand alone origins film should made. This character is easily one of the biggest and most recognized of the marvel universe a spot only recently overtaken by ironman, so it's definitely deserving of its own movie but how will audiences react to see yet another spider man film? Not very well I presume, so something needs to be done to make this specifically a tie in to avengers 3. In the end it could work since Disney and Marvel are yet to fail since they've teamed up, but we'll leave the casting and story decisions to the professionals! Whatever happens I'm sure I'll be in line to see it but for now those are my thoughts on the matter and thanks for reading! 

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