Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Netflix watch: Kill Bill vol.1

This 2003 Tarantino film is a revenge movie in its truest form. The action and gore are over the top in just the right ways and this film delivers a beautiful and almost comic book world. The tone and pacing were perfect as was the amazing soundtrack. 
Uma Thurman delivers a great performance as the mysterious "bride" and the multiple antagonist are made as badass as only tarantino knows how. 
As you can tell I was a huge fan of the cinematography and I loved the fact that at almost any moment I could pause this film and it'd be a beautiful still. Another film that felt like this was Skyfall but we'll talk about that another day. 
Definitely check this out and Vol.2 on Netflix when you get a chance and if I had to rate it it'd be a strong 8/10. 

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