Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Five good film ideas that didn't turn out so great

In the wonderful world of Hollywood hundreds of people are constantly coming up with ideas for films, so it's not surprising that some are great while others are terrible. Today I'm going to share with you five films that were great on paper but didn't turn out so well on screen. 

1.The Purge (2013)
When I first heard about the plot of this film I was surprised at how original and creative it sounded. Even though it was reminiscent of A Clockwork Orange, it still felt like it could be a breath of fresh air in today's horror films. When this movie was released I actually went out and watched it opening weekend, which I don't normally do with horror movies. I was disappointed to say the least this movie used a creative idea and went completely in the wrong direction. The movie was dull, predictable and even with the good cast, seemed to fall short of what it could've been.

2.Spider Man 3 (2007) 
After delivering two good superhero movies, Sam Raimi decided to instead dish out the most convoluted piece of crap in recent history. Call me harsh if you want but this movie had so much potential and yet failed so hard to deliver. This film could have easily concentrated on a great storyline in the Simbiote and Venom archetype, but instead we got as many watered down villains as could be crammed into one single movie and a cringe worthy performance of an edgy Peter Parker. though this trilogy did help to jumpstart what is the now Marvel comics universe, i'm almost ashamed to even admit that this has anything to do with that. Marvel has since made up for
this movie by making many amazing films so I guess they can be forgiven. 

3.World War Z (2013) 
Now I can't say I hate what this movie ultimately became because I did kind of enjoy it as a movie, but it could've definitely been a lot better. The film suffered from a lot of rewrites and several bumps during it's production which many think led to a completely different third act being incorporated. Now while that is excusable it would've been nice to see a faithful adaptation of the novel although many say is impossible in a single movie. While I agree, I don't see that happening anytime soon. If this movie was completely removed from its source I wouldn't be so mad at it, but it also suffers from a complete change of pace in the third act. All in all this was an ok movie but shouldn't have been made so sloppily.

4.The Last Airbender (2010)
Imagine if you will a show full of great character development, awesome lore and a heartwarming yet exciting story of a child coming to terms with his destiny. Now take all that throw it in the trash and start all over again, let's use cool special effects, terrible actors for the main roles but make them a completely different nationality cause that's smart, now cram as much of the story which was originally several hours worth of character development into less then two hours. What you're left with is the abomination which broke the hearts of an entire fan base. This movie only had one good thing going for it and that was Dev Patel as Prince Zuko but even that wasn't enough to warrant watching this this...oh I don't even want to talk about this movie anymore. 

5.AvP:Alien vs Predator 
After giving this a bit of thought I realized that maybe this shouldn't be on my list. In theory a crossover between these two movies sounds awesome but in doing so you lose what made the originals so great and that's the element of surprise and tension by not showing our alien and predator for a good portion of the film. One of my main arguments was how silly this movie was compared to the originals but maybe this movie isn't supposed to be taken seriously to be enjoyed. It's just two cool movie monster icons dishing it out to see who comes out on top but the fact that their origins were so easily incorporated into each other's universes is pretty cool. So I guess I was wrong about this one but oh well you can't win them all. 

Shitty movies are made every day so they can't all be winners but some have potential and hopefully that potential will be utilized some day but until then that's my list. 

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