Wednesday, October 29, 2014

While watching the extended look for the new Avengers trailer I noticed something

During the scene where tony tries picking up mjölnir we also see Cap give it a go.
It moves slightly!!! and while it is obvious to Thor that if anyone else beside him would be worthy in the avengers it'd be the patriot with the heart of gold. We even see Thor's expression go from "oh wait he might lift it" to "nah you're all unworthy" pretty quickly. 
So this leads me to believe that cap will eventually lift the hammer but when will that be? As of right now there seems like there's many scenarios where this could take place for example at the end of AoU with his shield in pieces and facing ultron unarmed, the hammer could possibly be nearby and Steve give it a go quite possibly defeating ultron with it. Maybe we'll have to wait until Infinty War to see him face thanos and weird the mighty hammer of Thor. Who knows we'll have to wait and see. 

also if you would like to know more about those who are worthy check out this page here.
oh and well what do you know! Guess who's at the top of that list? None other than the first avenger Steve Rogers.

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