Monday, October 6, 2014

Edge of tomorrow(2014) out on Bluray/DVD!

Plot summary: An officer finds himself caught in a time loop in a war with the alien race. His skills increase as he faces the same brutal combat scenarios, and his union with a Special Forces warrior gets him closer to defeating the enemy. -- IMDb Plot: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

If you didn't happen to catch this while it was in theaters now you can on bluray or DVD. I've always been a fan of Tom Cruise and especially his SciFi work including 2013's Oblivion which you should also check out...anyway I can't give EoT enough praise for it's originality but I think my favorite thing about this film is it's use of practical effects and huge set peices. Cruise and Blunt both deliver great performances and have great chemistry. This definitely is worth a watch and I hope you like it as much as I did. I won't give a full review since it's been out for a while but I can easily say this was one of the better action/SciFi films of the year above Godzilla and just under Dawn of the Planet of the apes. 

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