Saturday, October 25, 2014

What to watch on Halloween!

In this very special edition of what to watch I'm going with some of my favorite horror or Halloween themed movies. 
Now be aware that I'm not into horror very much so I won't be including things like "the conjuring" and "insidious" because I've seen those movies and I've found them pretty boring and played out. 
Remember these films are all just my opinion of what is something you'd enjoy during Hallow's Eve and they're in no particular order. 
1.Cabin in the Woods (2012) 
This Joss Whedon written cult smash hit will change the way you see modern horror movies forever. I can't say too much about this without giving away why it's such a good movie but I highly suggest that you don't look up anything about this before watching it. 
Available on Netflix streaming. 

2. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The movie that launched Zach Snyder's career and in my opinion the best zombie movie ever, DotD is a remake of the 1978 Romero film of the same name. This movie is a simple, fast paced and all around badass zombie survival movie that doesn't waste time trying to come up with explanations as to why the dead are rising but jumps right in to the action and horror of fighting of the undead horde. This film is available Amazon. 

3.The Fourth Kind (2009)
This particular movie on my list does suffer from a low rating on most critique sites but I'd definitely still suggest you check this movie out. Not many abduction films have been able to do what this film did and that's keep me awake at night. With a haunting depiction of aliens speaking ancient Sumerian and vivid nightmarish abduction sequences this movie put me on edge and kept me there all the way through. This movie is a sort of found footage type but doesn't suffer from the whole "shaky cam" dilemma many of today's movies suffer from. Again I have to admit this is one of my personal favorites so don't hate me if you feel differently towards the movie in fact I expect most people will but I'd definitely check this out. This movie is available on Netflix streaming. 

4.An American werewolf in London(1981)
Mine and many many people's choice for greatest werewolf movie ever made this film is a classic in many different genres and for many different reasons. The film opens with some great location shots that give this movie a great creepy feel and quickly moves on to showcase the films utterly terrifying monster. Probably the best aspect of this movie and the reason it won an Oscar was the makeup and special effects. The most memorable scene is the transformation which boasts complete use of practical effects. Again like I said this movie is scary with some light hearted funny moments which are to be expected from writer/director John Landis known for mostly for his comedies  which include Coming to America and Animal House. If you're looking for classic horror which doesn't take itself too seriously this is the movie for you!

5.Event Horizon (1997)
The last of my picks is fairly different from the rest because it's set in the future and in space but don't mistake this for a SciFi film because this is the most "horror" of all the movies I chose to share with you today. In this claustrophobic space horror  the crew of a rescue vessel are dispatched to make contact with the ship Event Horizon which has emerged from nowhere after being gone for seven years. Upon boarding the event horizon and finding no survivors the crew of the Lewis and Clark are quick to realize that supernatural forces are at play among the wreckage of the once glorious ship. Not much more can be said without giving away what makes this movie so great and scary so I'll leave you with that and definitely recommend this SciFi horror classic. This movie is available on Netflix streaming. 

Well that's all for now and I hope you have yourself a lot of fun on Halloween and definitely check out these or just any of your favorite scary movies!


  1. An American Werewolf in London almost made me piss myself when I was little. I watched it for the first time alone, at night, and in grandma's house (which is spacious and creepy when the lights are off). If it wasn't for those occasional scenes of comic relief, I don't think I would've been able to finish the movie.

    1. You're telling me man! When I was about 10 I had this strange love hate relationship with werewolves. Like I was terrified of them but I always checked out books at the library about them. My favorite goosebumps book is werewolf of fever swamp and I would research about the origins of lycanthropy but I would give myself nightmares. The movie scared the crap out of me and that's that I normally didn't like horror but it's one of my all time favorites. The sequel really messed up by using CGI for the werewolves and also by having so many on screen it kinda took away from the scariness of seeing the monster in the first movie.
