Sunday, November 23, 2014

An album of wonderfully bad bootleg movie posters

User Obiektyw1885 posted to /r/movies "In Ghana, when official movie posters can't be imported for Hollywood film, local artists will bootleg them to the best of their abilities." The result are painfully hilarious mockup sod many Hollywood favorites. Check out the full album HERE. Here are a few of my favorites.
Tom Cruise is "the man on fire" alongside him stars his trusty motorcycle riding sidekick Kim Jong Un!

Halle Berry must face the giant monster cat who ate a lady in a red dress! Jackie Chan reprises his role as the love interest. 

My personal favorite mostly because it stars a half Kevin Spacey half Nicholas Cage mutant and a tiger who throws up into the bellies of his victims. 

Rock hard abs and faces only a mother can love are some of the reasons the Spartans were brave enough to take on the massive Persian armies! 


Tom Cruise wishes he were this badass. 

There's several more and they're just as beautiful so be sure to check those out 

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