Sunday, November 16, 2014

What to watch or not: Ouija (2014)

Based on every middle schoolers nightmares, Ouija brings to life (or death) the infamous spirit board!
Full of jump scares and poor acting, this movie is sure to be a favorite with 11-13 year olds the world over. I really didn't expect much going into this and wasn't really surprised when I almost died of boredom. Scene after scene of lackluster attempts at frights and a very predictable story left me hoping a spirit would kill me in a ridiculous manner. 
I don't understand how movies like this still manage to make money in the box office. I mean the budget for this snooze fest was 5 million dollars and it somehow managed to make 20 million on opening weekend. As of November 13 it's made 45 million and that is the reason we'll be seeing a spinoff or sequel/prequel by next year (I'm calling that now). 
Sure some might find this bland excuse for horror entertaining but I sure as hell didn't so I can't recommend this at all. I know I'm not a huge horror fan so my opinion is somewhat biased but this was just a chore to watch and every so often I was checking the time to see if it was almost over. Please don't give the producers your hard earned money so they can have an excuse to pump out generic pieces of crap like this. Rating: SKIP!

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