Monday, November 17, 2014

Vague plot details about Guardians 2 revealed

Very little can be said about where the Guardians are headed after their first adventure together, since the film hasn't even started filming but if there's one man who can tell us it's Director James Gunn. Gunn is currently promoting the bluray/DVD release of GOTG so he spoke to the folks over at screenrant and had this to say about the speculation that GOTG 2 will focus on Peter Quill's search for his father.
“It’s funny, I don’t want to blackbox it too much. You know what I mean? Yeah, it’s like, we’ll find out who is dad is, and it’s going to serve the story. It’s not going to be something like in the Crying Game, though, where the big thing was, ‘He has a penis!’ [or The Sixth Sense's big twist]. I don’t want to do that. It’s not about the revelation of who it is; it’s about what his relationship is to that character." See the full story and more at HERE.

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