Monday, November 17, 2014

What to watch: Nightcrawler (2014)

Intense, raw and riveting are three strong and simple words one can use to describe Nightcrawler. 
Jake Gyllenhaal plays Louis Bloom an ambitious yet unemployed young man who on the surface seems cool, calm and collected but due to his ridiculously high sense of determination isn't afraid to do something crazy to succeed. While in search of a job Louis stumbles upon a car accident and witnesses firsthand the vulture like profession that is Freelance Crime Journalism. In a surprisingly quick manner Louis climbs his way up the media ladder and starts to build a name for himself. 
This movie has amazing pacing! The first act sets up this interesting character we don't know much about while the second act turns it up a notch and starts to show just what our lead character is capable of doing to reach his goal. The third and final act kicks it in to high gear and takes things to a new level showing us just how dark and sinister Louis can be. 
Aside from the Gyllenhaal's amazing performance that I'm sure will get him a nomination for best actor at the academy awards, we get good performances from the supporting cast Rene Russo did a great job while Riz Ahmed really shines for a lesser known as the nervous and sheepish assistant Rick. Bill Paxton plays a good character and was almost unrecognizable as the rival journalist Joe Loader. 
This film is intense and gives great commentary on the way media treats violent crime as a way to make money and the way we as an audience eat it all up (also see gone girl for this). While the entire movie is solid and good what really shines is the Louis Bloom character who is very reminiscent of Christian Bale's American Psycho in that the main evil is our Lead character. This movie is dark and morbid but I don't think it's anything we haven't already seen in true events on Nightly news so that shouldn't be too off putting for anybody. So do I recommend checking this out? Absolutely! It's one of the years best and I'm hoping this will make a lot more money through word of mouth and DVD/Bluray sales so Hollywood knows we want more great films like this. Rating:Full Price and even buy it when it's available. 

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