Sunday, November 16, 2014

What to watch: Nebraska (2013)

I had heard about Nebraska from last years Oscars since it was nominated for six academy awards but I hadn't gotten around to watching it. 
Somber, depressing and frustrating are all words I could use to describe this film but they're definitely not used in a negative way. Watching this is supposed to make you feel that way since it's a story about a mild mannered middle aged man dealing with his alcoholic and somewhat senile father. Many might see Will forte as a main character and think Comedy but this is a more serious role for forte although some lighthearted humor is present. The scenery is beautifully shot and the cinematography is one of the films best parts indeed but what stands out the most is how real and relatable these characters felt. This film can be described as "an ode to getting old" and you definitely sympathize with the father character's delusional and stubborn mission to find his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The Mother character was easily one of my favorite aspects of the film with her completely unfiltered and blunt attitude she made for a great comedic relief. 
The grant family was simple yet satisfying so that left me wanting to see a little more of that. 
There isn't much payoff at the end of this film so I can understand why some would find that off putting but I can't say I disliked the ending. This is a beautiful movie with heartfelt story and solid performances all around. Rating: Matinee

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