Monday, November 3, 2014

What to watch: Blue Ruin (2013)

I heard about this movie on a recent episode of Half in the Bag by Red Letter Media, but all that was said was that it was a revenge film but with a normal guy and not some trained assassin. This intrigued me...I was blown away. 
This film is definitely slower paced so the first act is the hardest to get through but this allows for the protagonist's story to be fleshed out and explained without using much dialogue, which I found great. The quiet and somber feel really showed the sadness of the main character and we grow to understand his pain. The rest of the film is simple yet beautifully tragic and really keeps you on edge the entire time. 
The main character is very relatable since he's not the retired assassin or trained killer like we see in most revenge movies and his inexperience and panicked demeanor are what makes this movie so great. I felt this movie was very well shot and while it is a low budget character driven film it not once looked of poor quality camera work. With very good ratings across the board it's obvious this movie is good but it's easily looked over due to it's limited release but it is available on Netflix streaming so definently go check this one out. I give this a 7.8/10 

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