Monday, November 17, 2014

What to watch: Hercules (2014)

There's no simpler way to say this but Dwayne Johnson is Hercules. 
It was the role he was born to play and he's definitely cemented himself as the Schwarzenegger of this generation. While the film was mediocre in story and acting, Johnson commands the screen with his presence and charisma. While I knew exactly where this film was headed I jumped in anyway solely on my admiration for Rocky, because in my opinion he's the hardest working entertainer in the business and I've never seen anyone be more passionate about a project than he was even offscreen. Whether it was touring the world promoting the movie or giving excited interviews and taking pictures with the fans this man deserves an award for how much effort he put into this project. 
Now let's talk about the movie. You know those films where all the interesting battles and set pieces are in the trailer or within the first ten minutes of the film? This is definitely one of those although that sounds like a negative I can't say I was completely disappointed with the rest of the story. While very cliche and "done before" this movie still managed to keep my attention. The film is about 90 minutes long but I felt that was an advantage because I don't know if I had been interested had this gone passed two hours. 
This movie had a budget of 100 million although given the sometimes poor special effects (mostly during the animal scenes) I would've never guessed. Sadly this movie is barely breaking even at 30 million domestic and 70 million worldwide I don't know how much longer before this turns a profit. Now I'm all for more roles for the rock but hopefully Hollywood realizes that big budgets don't always mean big profit. This film is decent at best and will probably eventually be somewhat forgotten but for now I'd say at the very least it's worth a rental or maybe catch while on television. 
Rating: Rental

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