Friday, November 7, 2014

Interstellar (2014) review SPOILER FREE

I had high expectations going into this and they were met and surpassed! With a cast that consisted of mostly Oscar winners or nominees the performances were just as good as I thought they'd be. The direction by Nolan was as good as always and it really shows just how grandiose his vision for this film was. There was also several unexpected things that made this movie pretty great, like how the comedic relief came from a pretty unexpected character and how terrifying yet strangely realistic the space travel and the planets were. The movie is pretty long at just short of three hours and I can't say I didn't feel the length of it but I also never felt like I needed the story to move faster since I was pretty engrossed in what was happening on screen.
Now it's obvious that the film isn't perfect though so I'll go over some of the things I felt brought the film down a bit, technically speaking the movie was perfectly executed but I did feel that scientific elements of the film will alienate a lot of the films audience but let's hope people can look passed that and try and suspend disbelief. It is only a minor detail but there was quite a bit of spinning camera work which was an element of the spacecraft and the way it travels but it was a bit disorienting and I'd suggest anyone that is bothered by such a thing to watch with caution, although like I said that's only minor and should not keep you from seeing this film.
Maybe once the movie is a little bit older for example when it comes out on DVD and Blu-ray, I'll give it a more extensive review, so I can go into detail and share a little bit of spoilers, but for now I don't want to say too much and maybe ruin the experience for people that haven't seen it, but I definitely recommend it since it was a very solid movie with very little flaws. If I had to rate this it'd definitely be a full price and if it's available in your area in any form of IMAX I suggest that you watch it that way for the full experience. Sadly I wasn't able to but it's one of those movies that was made for that kind of theater experience. 
Rating:Full Price (yes even imax)

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