Saturday, November 22, 2014

What to watch: Dumb and Dumber To (2014)

When this was first announced I immediately knew two things, one is that it wouldn't be as good as the first and two was that I'd watch it anyway. Why? Well because it's the sequel to one of the biggest cult hit comedies and the Farrelly brothers have an undeniably impressive track record in comedy. I know I'm in the minority but I very much enjoyed The Three Stooges and Hall Pass was decent so I thought maybe they could make a Dumb And Dumber film that translates well in the 2010's...I don't think it did. 
Obviously you can't take a movie like this too seriously but at least the slapstick in The Three Stooges changed its demographic to cater more towards a younger audience. This movie was actually raunchier than the first so that was out of the question, so at times I chuckled but sometimes I grimaced from the absurdity of some of these jokes and it was a little hard to watch. The story was just a rehash of the first film so that made it feel lazily written. The worst thing about this movie was the daughter character though, she was dumb to the point where it was annoying and not charming like Harry and Lloyd. Again I can nitpick this film but I shouldn't because it wasn't made to be taken seriously, So we'll just leave it at that. 
If you sift through all the terrible aspects of this movie is it worth it? Maybe, maybe not. If you love the first and don't care about the films integrity then go ahead and watch this, although I wouldn't pay full price. This is bad so if you must I recommend a rental or maybe even just waiting until it's on television. 
Rating: Rental

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