Sunday, November 23, 2014

Super hero movies that aren't Marvel or DC

Amidst all the buzz for the next DC or Marvel movie it's rare to see a super hero or comic book movie that isn't attached to the comic book giants. Here are a few of my favorites. 
1. The Incredibles (2004)
Many good things can be said about my personal favorite Pixar film and it's a shoe in on this list for me. Brad Bird finished working on his long time project Tomorowland so he's finally reported he'd get started on the highly anticipated sequel which I'm super excited for. 

2. Chronicle (2012)
Not a super hero movie in the traditional sense but a more realistic representation of what it would be like if a couple of teens were granted super human abilities. This movie is a solid action movie and one of my favorites in the "found footage" category. Also this movie introduced me to one of my favorite up and coming actors Dane DeHaan who really carries this movie. 

3. Watchmen (2009) 
Dark, gritty and captivating! The world created in this adaptation of the popular graphic novel is a perfect example of Zack Snyder's visual prowess. Definently the darkest take on a super hero universe   this movie is a breath of fresh air in this genre. Also Rorschach is one of the best anti heroes the world has ever seen. 

4. Sky High (2005) 
Yes this is cheesy but I found it to be a pretty solid kids movie so I showed it to my nephews and nieces and it quickly became one of those movies they watch on repeat several times a day. 

5. Hellboy (2004) 
Another movie much like watchmen that perfectly encapsulates the directors visionIn this case Guillermo Del Toro calls this his masterpiece. A huge plus for this movie was the art direction along with it's amazing use of make up and practical effects. It took Doug Jones and Ron Perlman 5+ hours to have their prosthetics and Make up fully applied for their respective roles. 

I hope these films will be a nice little change of pace in an otherwise Marvel/DC dominated genre. 

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