Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cast for David Ayer directed "Suicide Squad" revealed!

After much speculation the actors and actresses attached to the Super Villain teamup film has finally been revealed and in what might be the biggest news, Jared Leto will in fact be playing The Joker! There's some pretty big star such as Will Smith and Tom Hardy alongside them some newcomers like super model Cara Delevigne and the wonderful Margot Robbie. Here is the official list from Variety.com which shows who will play who.
"Here’s the official cast/character list:
Jared Leto – The Joker
Will Smith – Deadshot
Tom Hardy – Rick Flagg
Margot Robbie – Harley Quinn
Jai Courtney – Boomerang
Cara Delevingne – Enchantress"
I'm personally super excited for this because the casting seems pretty great and I'm also a huge fan of David Ayer, He's been able to direct multiple actors at once better than anyone else in his recent films such as Fury, Sabotage, and End of Watch. See the full story at Variety.com HERE.

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