Sunday, December 21, 2014

Trailer Talk: Get Hard (2015)

So the official trailer for the 2015 comedy starring Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell was released. It was just a matter of time before these two were paired up together so I guess this movie is no surprise.
Plot summary: When millionaire James King is nailed for fraud and bound for San Quentin, he turns to Darnell Lewis to prep him to go behind bars. 
So in this trailer we're introduced to both characters and given a brief rundown of what the movie is about but like most comedies nowadays the trailer seems like it's shown all of the best bits in the movie, that being said some of the jokes in the trailer actually made me laugh for example seeing Ferrell trying to drink wine while sitting in a massage chair was great and Hart being used as an exercise tool had me laughing pretty hard. The story sounds predictable but it seems that a redeeming quality of the film is that it'll be rated R which is good to see, this could've easily been watered down and turned pg13 by producers to widen the audience and rake in more cash which in hoping Hart and Ferrell both fought against. I'm not super excited for this but I won't dismiss it completely since it'll probably end up being at the very least a rental but here's hoping I'm wrong and this turns out to be a nice surprise like the Jump Street movies. What did you think of the trailer? Are you excited? Did you hate it? Let me know in the comments section here or on any of the social media sites I share this on. 

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