Sunday, December 14, 2014

What to watch: The Maze Runner (2014)

With the recent surge of Young Adult novels being turned into movies, it seems producers are throwing every idea at a wall and seeing what sticks. It looks like The Maze Runner has stuck. 
A solid plot is really what drove this story because aside from Will Poulter as Gally, the actors portrayals weren't very inspired. The story was interesting and managed to keep me entertained and while the visuals weren't the best of the year, they do hold up against other visual films this year. All the maze sequences were so big in scale that this aspect alone warrants a trip to the theater. 
This movie is obviously for a younger audience but with the amount of action, suspense and some profanity it seems the studios also tried to market this towards an older audience. Doing that can sometimes translate poorly especially with the profanity because it makes it feel forced and fake but I'm glad to say this film didn't suffer from that. 
The characters have very little development since the movie mostly focuses on them as a community so sadly they feel very interchangeable thus causing detachment and ultimately little to no caring of the minor or side characters and their demise. Another flaw is the pacing since somewhere towards the middle it felt like I'd been watching for well over an hour and it'd only been about 40 minutes. 
I can nitpick at this movie all I want since it wasn't perfect but I won't deny that I enjoyed it. Would i recommend seeing it? Absolutely, like I said before the visuals and Maze scenes would be best enjoyed on the big screen so I'd say see it in theaters if it's still available in your area, but I wouldn't pay full price. It's a good solid young adult novel turned summer blockbuster and the end of this film left me considering seeing the sequel. 
Rating: Matinee (see it in theaters but don't pay full price) 

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