Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What to watch: The One I Love (2014)

The One I Love is a Comedy/Drama/Romance but this film is like nothing I've ever seen before. It is available on Netflix and from reading the plot summary we're only given a brief explanation as to what the movie is about....but this is way way more than just that.
From the beginning this movie feels like a lot of other Romance Dramas in that we see a couple struggling to rekindle their once passionate relationship, all that soon takes a turn for the unexpected when they decide to have a retreat that will help them rediscover themselves. That's all the details i'll be giving on the film because this is a great movie to go in to knowing as little as possible.
The plot is interesting and different while the performances are real and emotional. The chemistry between the leads is great and we're also treated to some beautiful cinematography and a charming atmospheric score that fits very well into the world which is fun and romantic while still holding a sense of mystery that is felt throughout the movie.
Many troubling topics are also covered in the relationship department here, our characters are confronted with many problems that might be very familiar to some viewers that are in similar situations so there's a strong sense of relatability that gives this film another level of complexity to an already wonderful movie.
Should you see this? If anything I've said so far sounds interesting than I can't recommend this enough but this is in fact a romantic drama so it obviously won't be for everyone. I personally enjoyed this movie quite a lot and think it was an unexpected surprise.
Rating: Full Price (check it out on Netflix streaming.)

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