Friday, December 12, 2014

Trailer Talk: Insurgent Trailer

In the first ever Trailer Talk we'll be discussing The Divergent Series: are my thoughts. 

Overly dramatic, cliche and a blatant rip off of The Hunger Games? Some might find it unfair but I think this looks terrible. It feels like this movie is just trying way to hard to compete with The Hunger Games, more specifically MockingJay. With a full cast of rising stars It seemed like every frame of this trailer was trying to reveal a new character to get people to say "whoa he/she is in this too!" And the overall feel of the trailer is almost parallel to MockingJay! Now I'm not some Hunger Games fanboy by a long shot so that's not the end of my complaints because this trailer is oozing with YA cliches like "you have to fight yourself" or "you're the chosen one so you have to be the martyr" tropes. Obviously I'm not the key demographic here but I honestly don't have to be as long as the film is decent enough but this just looks like a clusterfuck and a cash grab to me. All that being said I haven't seen the actual movie of course so I can't completely cast this aside so we'll have to see when this is released. Although I don't know if I could sit through the first which I was hoping to never have to do. Now remember anything and everything I've said here today are strictly my opinion and I'm glad to discuss this and maybe even change my mind. What did you think of the Insurgent Trailer? 

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