Monday, December 1, 2014

What to watch: Short Term 12 (2013)

Short Term 12 is the story of Grace, a young woman who works as a counselor at a home for at risk teens. Grace finds herself dealing with her own past when she meets a young girl with similar problems.
Short Term 12 is realistic, troubling and beautifully tragic with a great performance by Brie Larson and the supporting cast members. The cinematography is wonderful and the music really ties this whole thing together to create an atmosphere that fits perfectly with the setting of the story. 
Some very real issues are explored in this movie and a lot of the characters stop feeling like actors and start sort of becoming the troubled person they're playing. At times this film is reminiscent of a feel good coming of age film and at other times a depressing feeling takes over and changes the direction of the movie. 
If you're into stories like this and love a good depressing movie every once in a while this is a great watch. Even if you're not though, this movie still delivers just the right amount of angsty emotions and heartfelt performances to keep you engaged. Great movie with a great message. 
Rating: Full Price 
Available on Netflix instant. 

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