Monday, December 22, 2014

Trailer Talk: American Sniper (2014)

Clint Eastwood directs Bradley Cooper as Navy Seal sniper Chris Kyle in American Sniper. This is the second official trailer released and in this version we get a lot more than just the one tense rooftop scene. Bradley Cooper seems completely immersed in this character and the amount of plot shown is enough to give a good idea while not ruining the story. The fact that this is releasing around christmas makes it obvious that it is what some would call "oscar bait" but I couldn't care any less...this movie looks intense and Cooper looks to have given the performance of his career. Seeing Cooper as Kyle take aim at a child while begging him "not to pick it up" perfectly portrays the tone that this film is looking to establish followed shortly by Kyle on the phone exclaiming "i'm ready to come home" all while under fire. This right here is how you make a trailer! It's very late in the year and yet this trailer has jumped right up there in my top five of the year! Remember that is including Avengers: AoU Jurassic World and Star Wars ep. 7! So what did you think of the latest trailer for the war drama American Sniper? let me know in the comment section here or on any of the social media sites I've shared this on. Thanks again for reading and I can't wait to discuss this trailer with you

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