Friday, December 12, 2014

What to watch: Horrible Bosses 2

Since it was announced that Horrible Bosses would get a sequel I've been on the fence. I enjoyed the first and the casting of Chris Pine and Christoph Waltz had me optimistic, but I always had that voice in the back of my head that kept saying this could very much go in the wrong direction. 

Horrible Bosses 2 is mediocre at best, with adequate writing and a recycled plot it seems it's only saving grace is the chemistry between the cast. Bateman Sudeikis and Day all return as our leads and their antics are carried over pretty well from the first. Waltz delivers a bland performance that is very forgettable. While Chris Pine really shined and really tied the cast together pretty well. 

I did find myself laughing throughout but it was mostly situational comedy and the back and forth between these characters. This didn't feel like an all around fun movie since all of this fun can be had on some sitcom so the film itself felt weak and dismissible. At the same time the movie did seem self aware and didn't take itself too seriously so it wasn't boring and I don't regret seeing it. 

I do enjoy these actors working together but I can't say I'd like to see a third film although I'm sure the production process has already started somewhere in some Hollywood office. This movie is nothing special and yet I was not bored so if it's available for rent or on tv I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to watch it. 
Rating: Rental 

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