Thursday, December 4, 2014

What to watch: The Giver (2014)

The Giver is an adaptation of the Lois Lowry young adult novel of the same name. This film felt very reminiscent of recent movies like Enders Game and The Hunger Games but I have to admit I did enjoy this quite a bit and it is a well made children's movie. Some of you might be wondering why I consider this a kid's movie and that is because this is a movie that children can watch and put some thought into, it has philosophical message that's easy to comprehend and discuss, which is perfect for a young audience. 
The movie starts off in black and white which sort of gives away what was a major twist in the book but I don't see how this movie could've been made without spoiling this. Some might argue that the acting is pretty bad in the first act but it's apparent that the acting was purposefully bad to portray the soulless feel of the community. The actors were basically playing robots who have no free will and live in a world that works like an engine with every part doing it's job and nothing more. 
The story is strong and while the performances weren't great I can excuse that to the fact that these characters don't have a lot of well....character. They're emotionless therefore the actors and actresses don't have much to work with. Once I finished watching this I was satisfied with what I was given. The story was left open since it is an ongoing novel and honestly, I'm looking forward to a sequel. This movie might not be amazing but it's definitely not something you should skip. I enjoyed it and I think you would to. 
Rating: Rental 

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