Friday, December 5, 2014

Robert Orci steps down as director of Star Trek 3.

I always felt that Orci was more of a placeholder for the directors position for the third installment in the Star Trek franchise. Today many sources confirm that Roberto Orci has in fact been releaved of his position as Director. It is still unknown if Orci will still serve as head writer but for now reports that he'll still be producing the film.
From variety
 "The details behind Orci’s exit from the project are unknown, but Paramount and Skydance Productions have to act quickly to secure another helmer, as the film is dated to bow sometime in 2016.
Orci is still producing the pic with Abrams, Patrick McKay and John D. Payne working on the most recent draft of the script."

See the full story and more at HERE.
Also the folks over at and many other sources are reporting that Edgar Wright is on the short list to replace Orci as director and this news is pretty exciting.

see the full story for that HERE.

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